


Africa Gorilla safaris; Uganda, Rwanda and Congo Gorilla Tours.

Africa Gorilla Safaris and Uganda Rwanda Gorilla trekking are adventure experiences carried out in the densely forested regions of Africa, the activity entails movements through rainforests, hiking through mountainous regions and maneuvering through bushes before one gets to reach the gentle giants.

The exciting adventure started way back in the early 1990s when a team of researchers carried out extensive research and brought to the knowledge of humans that gorillas can be visited in the wild without any harm. This activity was however possible after a series of familiarization activities also known as habituation processes.

Gorilla habituation processes are carried out on a daily basis to ensure that the gorillas are familiar with human beings and that they are of no threat to their lives. Regular familiarization activities in the long run enable the gorillas to coexist in the forest with human beings without charging. Dian Fossey, a celebrated researcher in the Virunga conservation area studied extensively the lives of gorillas and played an important role in their conservation as her legacy still lives on up to today.  She pioneered the habituation processes of the first families trekked in the Virunga massif and later other conservationists followed suit. The gorilla trekking adventure allows travelers to enjoy the opportunity of staring at mountain gorillas in East Africa, learning and unlearning things about them.

Popular Africa Gorilla Safaris & Tours

Where does gorilla trekking take place?

Africa gorilla trekking safaris take place in a number of countries within the East African region, since it’s a renowned habitat for various species of gorillas.  The region stands out for the exhilarating mountain gorillas that are inhabited in the Virunga conservation area which is shared amongst three countries.  They include Uganda, Rwanda and D.R. Congo.

Facts about gorilla trekking.

7 Days Uganda Gorilla and Wildlife safari.

The gorilla trekking adventure is such an exhilarating wildlife adventure and has a variety of interesting facts about it. These include;

  • No flash photography. Flash photography is prohibited in the jungle as the esteemed guests embark on the gorilla trekking activity.  The sparks of the light from the cameras are such an annoyance and interruption to the gentle giants as they live their peaceful lives. There is a high chance that the gentle giants will charge towards the individual holding the flashlights and could cause harm. So photographers better opt for natural light for their images.
  • Gorilla trekking is only done by a limited number of people. This exciting activity is only limited to eight people who can visit every family in a day. This limitation was put in place to ensure that both the habitat of the gorillas and the giants themselves are not antagonized and overexploited by humans.
  • Gorilla trekking has its dress code.  Visitors embarking on the gorilla trekking adventure are advised to dress in an appropriate way that would not inconvenience them whilst on their exciting expeditions. Apparel such as long-sleeved shirts, trousers, hiking boots and jackets are advised since they boost the comfort of the traveler through the thick tropical rainforests.
  • One requires a permit for gorilla tracking. The gorilla trekking permits are obtained through registered tour operators. These permits are presented to the authorities on the day of trekking just before one is allowed to enter the jungle for an exciting activity.
  • Gorilla trekking is a wholesome adventurous experience. The gorilla trekking adventure takes the visitors through the enchanting primeval forests, hiking through mountains as one observes the conical canopies of trees and a series of other biodiversity which makes it a more rewarding experience.
  • People under 15 years old are not allowed to trek the gorillas. This age requirement was put in not only to protect the youngers from the troubles in the jungle but also to protect the gentle giants from the communicable diseases that are usually carried along by the juveniles. Communicable diseases such as flu, when transmitted to gorillas, would risk death and even extinction.
  •  It is not advisable to smoke, eat or drink near the gorillas. These activities may trigger charges from the gorillas for the bad fumes or even want to share and take the edibles for themselves.
  • The gorilla trekking activity starts after a briefing. It is in this briefing that the Rangers provide the guidelines the trekkers are to follow while on the trek.
  •  Gorilla trekking starts at 8:00am.  Visitors embark on their journey to the jungle to look for the gentle giants straight after the briefing.  The activity may go on up to the afternoon depending on the location of the gorilla families.
  •  Gorilla trekkers are allowed a maximum of 60 minutes to enjoy the views of gorillas.  When a gorilla family is encountered, visitors are allowed to spend an hour observing the gorillas as the tourist guides provide information about the families, especially their history, composition, lead silverback and other interesting facts.
  •  Gorilla trekking tips and guidelines.For one to enjoy the gorilla trekking activity to the fullest, they should endeavor to follow a set of guidelines and tips to aid them in having the best experiences in the jungle as they watch the gentle giants. The tips and guidelines incorporate.
  • Travel to the Gorilla National Park the day before the trek. Visitors embarking on the gorilla tracking safaris are highly advised to make sure that they travel to the gorilla national parks a day earlier than the trekking date. This allows them to keep time for the trek and therefore have plenty of time to enjoy the trek as they look for the gentle giants in the jungle. It is important to remember that gorilla tourism activities start at the break of dawn with briefing and later guests are accompanied to the forest at 8:00 AM. Therefore, visitors are expected to have slept overnight in the accommodation facilities around the trekking destinations for uninterrupted experiences.
  • Visitors should also carry a Back-Pack bag, in which they can put their essentials especially snacks to feed on, drinking water, first aid kits and personal medicine, cameras, laptops, extra clothes and other valuables one cannot do without.
  • Listen to the guide.The tourist guides in these gorilla trekking destinations have carried out gorilla trekking activities for quite a long time and have gathered unimaginable experiences to take visitors through the thick rainforests and get them to watch the gentle giants. They are indeed worth the ears for a traveler who is looking forward to having the best moments and satisfying experiences in the jungle.
  •  Ensure a sound health status. Travelers embarking on the gorilla trekking activity should always make sure that they are in good health conditions just before they embark on the trekking activity. One has to ensure that they do not have colds and are in fit body conditions to embark on the trek since it involves tiring activities that require a certain level of energy.
  •  Travelers should also check whether they have the necessary documents before they go on the trek. Documents, especially the trekking permits are handed to the authorities on the day of trekking for verification just before one is allowed in the jungle to meet the gentle giants. It is a prerequisite that one cannot be allowed to go trekking without and therefore should be always checked out to avoid inconveniences.
  •  Be open to learning and unlearning things about the gorillas. Several stories are told about the gorillas amongst our peers which could be true or false.  The gorilla trekking activity unveils the truth about the gorillas as told by professional tourist guides and witnessed by the trekker.

Chimpanzee trekking in Uganda.

Chimpanzee trekking is equally an exciting adventure in Uganda that allows visitors to encounter the fascinating primates within their natural habitat. Chimpanzees can be found in several national parks but chimpanzee trekking is done in Kibale forest, Kyambura gorge, Kalinzu and Budongo forests.  

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What Our Clients Say

Unforgettable Rwanda Emerald tailored our 5 day trip to Rwanda to all our many and frequently changing requests without any fuss. Chris, our driver/guide for the duration, could not have been more helpful and professional
Amazing holidays! Great holidays! Even my special wishes were included into the planning although time was short. Our guide and driver City Tyson Magezi was caring and responsible. We traveled for four weeks and stayed in different accommodations from hut to tent to amazing hotels.
Just amazing It felt so safe and comfortable and exciting to travel with emerald. Our guide was so caring, so experienced and always friendly and an a great mood. He showed us so many animals included lions and leopards. That was just amazing . We saw wonderful landscapes like waterfalls and had contact to people . No Uganda or Eastern Africa without emerald . I m deep in love with Uganda and will come back as soon as possible.
Jose Murta
Jose Murta
Memorable Family Trip in Uganda Fantastic Trip that exceeded our expectations! Travelled to Uganda with wife and 2 children (9 and 10y old) for 7 days. Since the start (at planning stage) got a great support from Bob (company owner) and Edmund (our guide) via WhatsApp. They tailored a program to our needs including the unforgettable mountain gorillas hike, general hikes to waterfalls, safari including boat trip to see hipos!! Edmund, our guide, always super polite and the kids enjoyed him a lot! All our hotels, meals included in the package so no hassle on this….we just paid for drinks! The only regret I have is not staying one extra day in the Mburo National Park to explore a bit more ;) Memorable trip with so much nature and a super-humble people that made the experience even more enjoyable!! Super recommend!! The whole family just feeling we need to get back to explore more ;)
Dwayne B
Dwayne B
Great Experience With Emerald!! It was an amazing experience! My guides Lucky and Hillary made me feel as if I was family and took care of everything I needed. They were very knowledgeable as we trekked to gorillas in Bwindi and a ride a wildlife safari through Queen Elizabeth. I learned so much from them about the animals, the terrain and the surrounding people. They we also incredibly helpful in helping me find activities around Buhoma, where I stayed, all of which were great. By the time I left I knew I had made friends who I will continue to stay in touch with. Can’t wait to come back with my family!
Dávid B
Dávid B
Feeding python - 9 lions on a tree - leopard vs. lion We saw all animals and extremely special situations in a short period of time, good organization and friendly guide Paul with lots of knowledge.
Unforgettable trip! We spent one week in Uganda travelling by the guidance of Gorilla Experience safari. The whole experience were definitely above our expectations. Edmand was a friendly, polite and kind guide the whole time!
Vit Siv
Vit Siv
Ultimately Unique Experience of Uganda! It was unbelievable unique experience, one in a life time. Everything right from arrival to minor ditals was taken care of, too service! Itinerary was compiled/tailor to our wishes and needs as well as to include as much activities as possible. Tyson was our guide. He is an amazing guide, but even better person. He did an incredible job to put this all together, and make it all happen. We managed to do everything we wanted and even more. Definitely a trip to remember!!
Emmanuel OKalany
Emmanuel OKalany
A rewarding experience for a family visit to queen Elizabeth National Park My family and I had an excellent guided tour to Queen Elizabeth National Park. The itinerary planning provided was good and the costing of items was realistic. The care and hospitality of the team was excellent. They were also flexible to make time adjustments brought about because of traveling with children
Gordon Y
Gordon Y
Trip to Kaiso Tonya Game Reserve The guide/driver was too keen to find out my interests. That way, we always had something to talk abouts. Thank you

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A unique Tours and Agency operating under Emerald of Africa Safaris ltd. We Specialize in East African Wildlife Safaris, Gorilla Tracking, Chimpanzee Tracking, Birding, and Cultural tours. Each East African safari with Emerald of Africa Safaris ltd is personalized, memorable and budget friendly. Expect to explore the most exciting and exclusive destinations, with experienced & creative guides. Emerald of Africa Safaris ltd operates in partnership with top Tourism organizations in the region to ensure a perfect experience for you.


Emerald of Africa Safaris,
P.O Box 14117 Mengo, Uganda




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